Monday, March 30, 2015

Dark Druids Review

James Holloway posted an extensive review of Dark Druids on his blog. Go check it out!

If you're curious what the physical module looks like, his review has some useful pictures, including some interior details.

Full disclosure: James is a friend, and I have gamed with him. I don't think his review is biased, but I wanted to mention that anyway.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dark Druids Artists at Gary Con

If you're at Gary Con this weekend, stop by the bar and say hello to Brian "GLAD" Thomas and Jason Braun — two of the fine* artists who supplied their amazing artwork skills to Dark Druids!

Brian "GLAD" Thomas (left) and Jason Braun (right)

Two of Brian's original illustrations for Dark Druids 

* when I call the two of them "fine," I also mean "occasionally crude." But I mean it in an awesomely Cards Against Humanity sort of way :-)